Vote for Take Back the Tech! in The Bobs Awards

Publicado el: 15 April 2015
We are pleased to announce that Take Back the Tech! has been nominated for The Bobs Awards, the best in online activism.

Since 2004, The Bobs awards honor bloggers, activists and journalists in 14 languages that champion the open exchange of ideas, freedom of expression and human rights on the Internet. The Bobs are the only global, international award honoring creative and brave projects online that cross language and cultural barriers and thereby showcases the best of what the ever-expanding World Wide Web has to offer.

An online vote open to everyone on the Internet will determine the People’s Choice Awards in each of the contest’s 14 language-specific categories. Take Back the Tech! has been nominated in the People's Choice Awards for English, and we need you to vote!

Simply log in to The Bobs Awards site using OpenID, Facebook, Twitter, Deutsche Welle or VKontakte, choose People's Choice Awards for English, and then choose Take Back the Tech! You can vote every 24 hours until May 3.

We appreciate your support. Keeping speaking out and taking back the tech!