When we work together, we strengthen our message of a world free from violence against women. Here are some ways for you to contribute to a strong collective call to Take Back The Tech! and continue building this resource. Take a stand, build the conversation and share what works!
1. Basic guidelines
2. The media
- Choose someone from your team to be the media spokesperson and prepare your key message.
- Create a media list with names and contact details of targeted editors or reporters.
- Write a media advisory on the what, why, who, when and how of your campaign and send it out 1-2 weeks before the campaign.
- Think of what is newsworthy about your campaign and try to organise an interview or feature.
- If your campaign involves an event, follow up with a phone call to the media two or three days before the date to remind them.
- Send out a press release on the day of your campaign. Include campaign materials, such as fact sheets and the logo.

3. Mobile phones
- Send SMS messages about your action to at least 10 contacts and ask them to send it to another 10. Keep it going!
- If you are a membership-based organisation, send SMS messages to your members if they opt in. You can use Frontline SMS, a free and open-source programme that makes it easier for you to send SMS messages to a large number of people.
4. Digital graphics
5. Social media
- Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to get our posts and share with your network.
- Use the hashtag we have created for the campaign or come up with one that works better in your language. Just let us know! You can always use #takebackthetech.
- Whenever you come across a useful resource, post it with the campaign tag to share it with other campaigners.
- Share statistics, stories, quotes and actions. Make the problem of VAW a trending conversation!
- Start a Take Back The Tech! local Facebook group for your campaign. Invite as many members as you can and ask them to invite their contacts.
- Connect online and offline activities by posting pictures of campaign preparation, meetings and offline actions.
- Create a Take Back the Tech! board on Pinterest to share bookmarks related to VAW and ICT.
- The key to social networking and online spaces is dialogue. Create opportunities for people to take action and talk back. Ask questions, share thoughts and encourage comments. Keep the conversation going!
6. Blogs
| 7. Offline
If you have more ideas on how to organise, spread the word and build the campaign, share them with us by emailing ideas@takebackthetech.net. Happy campaigning!