Georgie Porgie: Sexual Harassment in Everyday Life
Georgie Porgie: Sexual Harassment in Everyday Life
Authors: Sue Wise, Liz Stanley
Publisher: London, New York; Pandora, 1987
235 pages
Photo courtesy of Digital Women's Archive North in the UK
Authors: Sue Wise, Liz Stanley
Publisher: London, New York; Pandora, 1987
235 pages
Photo courtesy of Digital Women's Archive North in the UK
Feminist Internet Sticker
A sticker from Feminist Internet, UAL.
Margo st james 1st congress
Hookers’ Ball in Krasnapolsky - Mama Cash
At the time of Mama Cash’s founding in 1982, (what was then still called) prostitution and pornography were most often interpreted by members of the women’s movement solely as forms of oppression and the exploitation of women.
Women's Court
Prvi ženski sud na teritoriji Evrope, održan je u Sarajevu, od 07. do 10. maja 2015. Kroz Ženski sud žene postaju subjekti pravde, podstižu stvaranje drugačije sudske prakse, vrše uticaj na insistucionalni pravni sistem
The first Woman’s court on the territory of Europe, was held in Sarajevo from 7th to 10th of May 2015
Inicijativa o ŽS pokrenuta je od strane Žarane Papić, filozofkinje i članice mirovnog pokreta iz Beograda 2000. godine u Sarajevu. Na žalost, 2002. godine Žarana Papić je umrla ... Žene u crnom iz Beograda su nakon smrti S.
#JMBG / Bebolucija (Unique Master Citizen Number, the identification number granted to citizens / Child revolution)
Spontaneous protest that block the parliament and government of BiH in Sarajevo supported throughout Bosnia Herzegovina regardless of ethnics identity via #jmbg pictures/messages sharing.
The feudalistic-ethnic-politic of BH political parties allowed assignment of JMBG to expire in February 2013 (dispute was over updating digits designating regions after the war in the 13-digit ID number) as result children born after February were not assigned JMBG number an
Tempo di Marea
Tempo di Marea, periodico di riflessioni e pratiche politiche in 3 sezioni:
Prima Guinea: Signoria del pensiero, Seconda Guinea: Signoria della produzione, Terza Guinea: Signoria dell'etica
Tide's Time, periodic of reflections and political practices
Organized along the Three Guinieas by Virginia Wool: 1st Guinea: Ladyship of Thoughts; 2nd Guinea: Ladyship of Production; 3rd Guineas: Ladyship of Ethics
Phoenix Mural
In 2011 the Face Art Public Mural Project commissioned wall art during the 15th Biennial of Young Artists in Thessaloniki, Greece. This piece on the theme of violence against women is by Chinese street artist DALeast and South African street artist Faith47.
Photo by aesthetics of crisis, 2013
Photo by aesthetics of crisis, 2013
Vratimo kontrolu nad tehnologijom!
Fondacija Jedan svijet – platforma za jugoistocnu Europu (owpsee) i ove godine se aktivno ukljucuje u globalnu kampanju 16 dana aktivizma / Vratimo kontrolu nad tehnologijom! ciji je cilj podizanje svijesti i zaustavljanje nasilja nad ženama.
Bosnia Herzegovina - Partneri: Pokret Dosta, Zašto ne, Udruženje Kult – Projekt Košnica, ACS - Associazione di Cooperazione e Solidarietà, Forum Žena Bratunac, GVC i Omladinskim centrom Ilovaca. Ocekujte još (english below)