The Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA), is a nonprofit NGO in the Philippines seeking to democratize information and communication systems and resources for citizens and communities. Since its formation in 1987, FMA has sought to enhance the popularization of development-oriented issues and campaigns through media-related interventions, social communications projects, and cultural work. Since 1997, the Foundation has focused on the area of information and communications technologies (ICTs) to enable disadvantaged communities assert their communication rights towards progressive social transformation. It has since evolved a pro-active research and advocacy agenda in the area of ICT policy and internet governance.
FMA also engages in regional and global governance spaces, and often plays a convening role in various initiatives and engagements in and for Asian civil society. It served as a focal point for Asian CSOs in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) processes, and convenes regional meetings and joint projects in the area of communication rights and access to information/knowledge/culture.
FMA is a member of the Association for Progressive Communications, and one of the 12 country partners in the MDG3: Violence Against Women and ICT project.

Current activities
Social media conversations
Walk and photobooth to end violence against women
Digital storytelling workshops
National Privacy Consultative Conference
Poster-making contest
Pride march
Awareness-raising workshop on tech-related VAW on Dec 11 for barangay officials, representatives from civil society, and police
Article--18 things you can to to end violance against women:
Daily video TBTT commitment stories:
Day 18:
Day 17:
Day 16:
Day 15:
Day 14:
Day 13:
Day 12:
Day 11:
Day 10:
Day 9:
Day 8:
Day 7:
Day 6:
Day 5:
Day 4:
Day 3:
Day 2:
Day 1:
Local Campaign Website
Previous campaign activities
1. Radio Program Guesting
November 17 at 92.3 FM News focusing on the eVAW as a topic for discussion. Hosted by Paolo Bediones, a popular tv and news personality, he was able to call attention to the rising cases of eVAW through the program
and generated reactions from listeners.
2. Supporting and Participating in Local Actions
FMA have joined the exhibit of Gabriela at the House of Representative from November 22-25 and at the QC City Hall (local government unit where FMA is also located) from November 25 to Dec 12 for their call on Rage Against
Rape. This is an event highlighting rape as one of the worst forms of VAW and calling everyone to take action. FMA have shared and distributed materials on take back the tech and eVAW to participants, guests, national and local legislators to call their attention about the issue as well.
3. Public Information and Education
FMA was invited by the Cebu City Commission on Women (a local counterpart of the national machinery for women) to talk about eVAW and reclaiming ICTs to end VAW last Nov 20. This is one of the major activities they have lined up in preparation for the 18 Day Campaign. The group (around 75people) were composed of women sectoral representatives identified the use of ICTs for women, how it is abused to exploit women and towards the afternoon discussed local actions they can make to address the abuse and maximize ICTs to end
Set on Dec3, FMA will be giving a discussion on eVAW to 700-1000 high school students in northern Luzon, Tuguegarao Province in partnership with Zonta Club, a local counterpart of the International Zonta Club composed of women professionals doing civic work in different communities.
4. Screening of Digital Stories
On December 6, digital stories of women will be screened as part of the 18 Day Campaign in partnership with women's organizations in the Philippines: Women's Crisis Center, WEDPRO, Women and Gender Institute of Miriam College and CEDAW Youth. There will be a panel discussion to follow the screening to deepen understanding about VAW issues in the Philippines.
5.Securing Social Media for Advocacy
An FTX (feminist tech exchange) orientation for women's organizations set on Dec 8 about the possibilities of social media for advocacy work at the same time ensuring secured and private communication exchanges. This will be in partnership with ISIS International Manila and the UP Center for Women Studies.
6. Announcement of the SGP Grantees
We are set to announg the SGP grantees very soon as part of the TBTT Campaign and activity
7. Release of Statement/Declaration on eVAW and the Action Agenda
We will be sharing and releasing a statement on eVAW to local media and partners all over the Philippines and around the globe initially drafted during the Philippine National Strategy Workshop.
8. SMS Brigade
From Nov 25, we have begun sending out sms to partners and friends about the campaign and will be sharing messages about VAW for the entire duration of the campaign
9. Sharing/sending out of Digital Postcards
We have solicited digital postcards from partners and ftx participants and we will be sending them out to everyone beginning Nov 25.