Track 1
Mixtape no.1 - Research and Explainers
Track 2
Mixtape no.1 - Research and Explainers
### Research report on digital spaces of trans activism in Central Asia and Eastern Europe https://tgeu.org/mapping-digital-landscapes-of-trans-activism/ Mapping report on digital organizing of trans activists in 26 countries giving you the context and covering digital needs, security challenges and strategies to censorship, surveillance and online attacks.

Track 3
Mixtape no.1 - Research and Explainers
### Overview of online gender based violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro https://web.archive.org/web/20190505015712/https://oneworldplatform.net… A well thought out gem! If you need everything in one place about online GBV, definitions, case studies, recommendations for institutions - look no more! One of the rare overviews in BCS languages on online GBV in Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro.

Track 4
Mixtape no.1 - Research and Explainers

Track 5
Mixtape no.2 - In Their Own Words
A conversation between two amazing activists -ALOC and queer Korean disability justice writer and organizer Mia Mingus on ableism, body positivity and social media “Why Ugliness Is Vital in the Age of Social Media”https://www.them.us/story/ugliness-disability-mia-mingus

Track 6
Mixtape no.2 - In Their Own Words
This is a collaborative project Videochat: Send Nudes by Olya Avstreyh and Jenya Milyukos from Russia censored by Instagram https://www.calvertjournal.com/features/show/12170/videochat-send-nudes…

Track 7
Mixtape no.2 - In Their Own Words
### This is a podcast "Whose Voices?" by Whose Knowledge? on centering the stories, knowledge, native languages and people from marginalized communities on the Internet. https://podcast.whoseknowledge.org/posts/ Amazing feminists sharing their dreams, challenges and platforms for creating online content in their native languages, decolonization of the internet and ourselves. Can't recommend it enough!

Track 8
Mixtape no.2 - In Their Own Words
### This is a website of a feminist queer collective of writers in Croatia, with rich content on culture, art and technology. http://muf.com.hr I love this website because it's feminist, queer, and so personal!

Track 9
Mixtape no.2 - In Their Own Words
### An essay by Richa Kaul Padte on loneliness, technology and neoliberalism. https://deepdives.in/if-we-bring-our-loneliness-to-the-internet-what-do… I loved this essay because it shares the vulnerability and negotiation of our navigation of online/offline spaces.

Track 10
Mixtape no.2 - In Their Own Words
### Illustrations by artist Zombijana Bones from Serbia Beautiful illustrations depicting everyday life and ordinary thoughts on relationships, work, sexuality, body and mind of a girl who redefines cool! Her work challenges the stereotypical gender roles of women. I particularly love it because these works bend the rigid perception of ourselves, promote body positivity and pleasure, as well as indulgence in perks of food, leisure, forgiveness and compassion.

Track 11
Mixtape no.2 - In Their Own Words
### Global storytelling projects in service of transformation: resource and stories https://stories.apc.org/ Storytelling in the service of preserving memory, transformation and sharing. Amazing collection of storytelling as a transformative process for survivors of SGBV.

Track 12
Mixtape no.2 - In Their Own Words
### Queer community digital storytelling project from Bosnia and Herzegovina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZLk2jw93Sg&list=PLvhHjA9tI1xp7iQiXzi5H… Digital storytelling! A beautiful and powerful tool many of our friends and communities love! We used it to transform hard questions, memories and events through our own words, pictures, sound and design. This set of digital stories is a painful but generous present to everyone struggling with fears, SGBV, relationships, acceptance and coming out.

Track 13
Mixtape no.2 - In Their Own Words
### Zenergija: Queer and feminist podcast from Serbia celebrating women, queers, art, activism and resistance https://www.mixcloud.com/%C5%BDenergija/%C5%BEenergija-13-me%C4%91unaro… Two hours of pure bliss, feminism, creativity and activism! Podcasts that celebrate women, queers and resistance! Talks on their struggles, challenges, art, technology and activism in patriarchal reality in Serbia. One of the episodes I love where they specifically talk about taking control over the machines and see it as a space of play, exploration and creativity.

Track 14
Mixtape no.3 - Making Plans
Holistic digital security training curriculum for women human rights defenders
Track 15
Mixtape no.3 - Making Plans
### Doxing prevention harm reduction training by Hacking/Hustling, a collective of sex workers https://hackinghustling.org/doxxing-prevention-harm-reduction-training/ I like this website and youtube tutorial, as well as their resource list because they explain doxing and protection in a very thorough way with a lot of resources.

Track 16
Mixtape no.3 - Making Plans
### OGBV strategy tactical game by APC https://en.ftx.apc.org/books/online-gender-based-violence/chapter/takeb… Role-playing game that puts you and the entire team on the spot to act in scenarios of online gender-based violence (blackmailing, trolling, porn pretending, etc) with roles: Survivors, Advisors, Public, Game Facilitator. You and your group get to build your Survivor profile with tips and advice on potential situations (you don’t know which scenario you will get). Amazing for education, discussion and strategizing on responses to online GBV.

Track 17
Mixtape no.3 - Making Plans
### APC's feminist digital safety resource on online safety, safe space strategies and OGBV response https://en.ftx.apc.org It’s one of the most beautiful and soulful digital safety training curriculums for trainers who work with women’s rights and sexual rights activists on using the internet safely, creatively, and strategically. A handful resource with amazing illustration and graphics asking the right questions and sharing exercises about strategies of safe-space building, our representation and self-expression online, mobile safety, online GBV response - rooted in care and experience of communities!

Track 18
Mixtape no.3 - Making Plans
Digital care tips on safe sexting and messaging apps from FRIDA https://youngfeministfund.org/solidarity-storms/security/

Track 19
Mixtape no.3 - Making Plans
Holistic digital security training curriculum for women human rights defenders https://cyber-women.com/ I like this digital security curriculum as it has plenty of resources (games, videos, manuals) and rich in additional references on digital safety and protection.

Track 20
Mixtape no.3 - Making Plans
### This is a a full Whose Knowledge? resource series of "Our stories, our knowledges" by Dalit, Kumeyaayi and LGBTIQ+ community members on centering our knowledges online https://whoseknowledge.org/resource/our-stories-our-knowledges-the-full… This is one of my favorite resources on hacking marginalization online with transformative practices of building community knowledges, decolonizing and queering the internet and building allyship.

Track 21
Mixtape no.3 - Making Plans
### Doxing prevention harm reduction training by Hacking/Hustling, a collective of sex workers https://hackinghustling.org/doxxing-prevention-harm-reduction-training/ I like this website and youtube tutorial, as well as their resource list because they explain doxing and protection in a very thorough way with a lot of resources.

Track 22
Mixtape no.3 - Making Plans
### OGBV strategy tactical game by APC https://en.ftx.apc.org/books/online-gender-based-violence/chapter/takeb… Role-playing game that puts you and the entire team on the spot to act in scenarios of online gender-based violence (blackmailing, trolling, porn pretending, etc) with roles: Survivors, Advisors, Public, Game Facilitator. You and your group get to build your Survivor profile with tips and advice on potential situations (you don’t know which scenario you will get). Amazing for education, discussion and strategizing on responses to online GBV.

Track 23
Mixtape no.3 - Making Plans
### APC's feminist digital safety resource on online safety, safe space strategies and OGBV response https://en.ftx.apc.org It’s one of the most beautiful and soulful digital safety training curriculums for trainers who work with women’s rights and sexual rights activists on using the internet safely, creatively, and strategically. A handful resource with amazing illustration and graphics asking the right questions and sharing exercises about strategies of safe-space building, our representation and self-expression online, mobile safety, online GBV response - rooted in care and experience of communities!

Track 24
Mixtape no.3 - Making Plans
Digital care tips on safe sexting and messaging apps from FRIDA https://youngfeministfund.org/solidarity-storms/security/

Track 25
Mixtape no.3 - Making Plans
Holistic digital security training curriculum for women human rights defenders https://cyber-women.com/ I like this digital security curriculum as it has plenty of resources (games, videos, manuals) and rich in additional references on digital safety and protection.

Track 26
Mixtape no.4 - Little Wonders
This is a guide on embracing mistakes for all creatives by the Creative Independent (TCI). https:// thecreativeindependent.com/guides/how-to-embrace-mistakes-without-romanticizing-failure/

Track 27
Mixtape no.4 - Little Wonders
### A music video by Thao & the Get Down Stay Down filmed on Zoom https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2020/04/thao-get-down-stay-down-zoom/ I simply love this!

Track 28
Mixtape no.4 - Little Wonders
This is an IG profile of a therapist for building strong and healthy relationships and boundaries with yourself and others https://www.instagram.com/nedratawwab/?hl=hr

Track 29
Mixtape no.4 - Little Wonders
### This is a Capacitar emergency kit with basic practices to deal with stress and manage emotions. https://capacitar.org/capacitar-emergency-kits-to-download/ We've been sharing this throughout our activism, especially after protests or violence experienced. We've also used it in our peer counseling. Can't recommend it enough!

Track 30
Mixtape no.4 - Little Wonders
### Interview with artist Luiza Prado on her GIF essay "All Directions at Once". She examines counterhegemonic technologies of birth control vis à vis the colonial production of race, gender, and sexuality. https://schloss-post.com/radical-care-space-excess/ For me, this is one of the most beautiful artworks on memory, gender, sexuality and decolonization on colonial gender difference inscribed in bodies. Be sure to check out her project!

Track 31
Bujrum | Welcome! I'm Azar Causevic (they/them) from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I want to honor all those before us who contributed making ourselves and our communities more resilient, compassionate and hopeful. I'm a queer feminist activist and one of the core team members of LGBTIQ+ association Okvir and Queer Archive project. I am passionate about queer spaces of love, memory, and resistance. I also do queer peer counseling. Besides that, I am an IT explorer, poetry and psychoanalysis lover. Random things about me: I believe in connections and that love heals. I also love to get lost and rediscover bits and pieces of myself in the sky, hugs, dreams, sound, text, emotion, art. My favorite colors are turquoise, gray, black and white. I have a dog called Zen, but he is zen in his own way, just as we are. My blog with random photos, music, poetry and art: www.lernerblu.wordpress.com