Join our AWID Forum Pre-event: Imagine a Feminist Internet

Publié le : 20 May 2016
Are you attending the AWID Forum this coming September in Brazil? Take Back the Tech! will be there for a one-day pre-event on September 7 - right before the forum starts. The event is called Imagine a Feminist Internet and is open to women's rights activists and techies who are interested in exploring the growing impact of technology on our politics, movements, and futures.

The collaboratively developed Feminist Principles of the Internet will be used to frame discussions around the intersections between feminism and technology in these 5 areas:
  • Access
  • Economy
  • Expression
  • Consent, autonomy and privacy
  • Public participation and movement building
The day will end with a speed-geeking session where participants will get a glimpse into some emerging initiatives that apply feminist politics into the practice of internet use. To join the Pre-Forum event, or if you have an initiative you would like to share, please email:, by 1 July 2016.