Take Back the Tech! campaigners share stories by drawing comics, penning poems, designing graphics, writing blog posts, recording audio, tweeting on hashtags and more. Videos, of course, are popular for storytelling, but how can we approach video-making in a way that ensures our narratives remain our own?

At APC we use digital storytelling, where the storyteller has control over all aspects of the process from the initial script to the final product. We work with local communities to do digital storytelling workshops around human rights, and you can see many of these videos in one location. Today we launch our brand new digital story site, where you can find stories on subjects such as gender-based violence, LGBTQ rights and disability.
Go to http://stories.apc.org to watch stories, share those that resonate with you and learn more about digital storytelling. You can also read more about our approach to digital storytelling in the recent Take Back the Tech! edition of GenderIT, where Jennifer Radloff writes about our work: http://www.genderit.org/feminist-talk/digital-storytelling-all-our-stories-are-true-and-they-are-ours
A similar form of storytelling is participatory video, where a community works together to make their own film on a problem they want to solve. La Sandía Digital, who are new Take Back the Tech! campaigners working with Luchadoras and feminist collectives in Mexico, do participatory video with an aim to “introduce citizens to issues of social relevance through the audiovisual production, seen as a tool for a social change.” Find out more here: http://lasandiadigital.org.mx
How do you think women's stories can best be shared? How do you amplify women's voices? Tweet stories and thoughts using #takebackthetech or write us at ideas@takebackthetech.net.
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